My Maps
Create, save and share your own maps.
Switch to 2D to create a map
No description
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Do you want to delete all the elements of the map?
Are you sure you want to delete all the elements of this map?
Confirm map deletion
Are you sure you want to delete the current map?
Confirm map deletion
Do you really want to delete the map with the title:
Merge lines
Open a map
Modify title and description of the map
Title and description of the map
Title and description of the map copy
Title and description of the map
Location coordinates
Elevation | |
Closest address | |
Approximative distance | meters |
Oblique imagery | |
Preview the survey plan
For data protection reasons, we cannot display cadastral survey documents in full resolution, but you can order them individually and traceably.
- A right click (tap and hold on mobile) will display information about the current location.
- A short click (tap on mobile) on a map feature will select the feature and show more information.
Profile width
Draw a line on the map to display the corresponding LIDAR profile. Double clic to confirm.
Measure distances on the profile below. (Deactivates zoom and pan on the profile!)
Report a map content problem:
Plausibility check of the flash flood hazard maps
Send feedback to ANF
Proposal of a modification of the limit or signal a problem:
Feedback AGE
Observations on the project of the flood hazard an flood risk maps 2019
Style editor
Select a style
Redirection confirmation
Geolocation is only available in the secure version of (https). Do you want to be redirected?
New offline data available
App reload needed: Offline data updated successfully
An error occured during download
Offline map
~MB of maps will be downloaded - Don't lock your device or navigate away from this site during the download process. Deactivate "private" mode of your browser.
No maps selected for saving.
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Do you really want to remove your data ?